The Neuroradiology Division provides diagnostic and interventional radiology services for the brain, head, neck, and spine.
The division has access to 320- and 64-slice CT scanners, PET/CT, PET/MR, as well as several 1.5T and 3T MR scanners.
Endovascular Therapy (EVT)
Aneurysm Repair
Kyphoplasty-Vertebroplasty Hybrid
Other Procedures
JDMI, through its TWH site is a quaternary referral centre for brain and spinal arteriovenous (AV) malformations, dural AV fistulae and vascular malformations of the brain, head and neck.
TWH is also one of three designated primary stroke centres in the GTA, and JDMI assists with acute stroke diagnoses and treatment. Through links with the PM site and UHN’s cancer program, we image and diagnose head-and-neck cancer.
Other specialized imaging procedures include Vessel Wall Imaging, four-dimensional CT Angiography as well as computational fluid dynamics and determination of shear stress forces, to determine the individual likelihood of rupture of vascular malformations or aneurysms; and Cerebral Vascular Reactivity imaging in MRI, a technique that is used to assess impact of steno-occlusive disease of neck and brain vessels for endovascular and surgical revascularization.
Imaging Modalities and Facilities
JDMI hosts an extensive fleet of imaging infrastructure/equipment across our 3 organizations. The department strives to employ the use of new and cutting-edge imaging technology to offer state-of-the-art quality care to our patients and to drive innovative research in the field of medical imaging.
The clinical interventional radiology service provides a full complement of therapies for all relevant neurovascular conditions. The clinical staff offers all routine therapies related to these conditions, and some of the members also provide access to emerging therapies such as transvenous AVM embolization.
The team has expanded emergency services to account for rapid growth of acute stroke care, a condition where timing is very important in rescuing patient brain function. JDMI has demonstrated timing that meets or exceeds published thresholds. Outcomes data also demonstrates that the ischemic stroke practice exceeds the outcomes achieved by essentially any other practice in the region.
Education and Fellowships
The Neuroradiology Division features a high level of radiologist-driven clinical research, with 13 diagnostic faculty, 4 subspecialized in head and neck, and 4 interventional neuroradiology faculty having protected research time. Fellows within Neuroradiology also have 20% protected academic time, helping to advance the division’s research goals.