Our primary focus is on modernizing education across the department to reflect the new virtual world and to add ‘real-world’ context to how we teach and assess.
Dr. Eric Bartlett
Education, Activity Lead
We focus on promoting and supporting the ongoing education-related activities throughout the department. Learners within our Department include residents, fellows, medical students, observers and technologist trainees.
In addition to learners from various training programs, we support the ongoing education and training of the faculty and staff in our department through our continuing education offerings.
Our lead Dr. Eric Bartlett has a keen interest in education and educational innovation, specifically in virtual education and competency-based teaching and education. Part of his role is to be aspirational. With his new vision of modernizing education within the JDMI, his task as a lead is to get everyone excited about the new direction and show the value in that change.
Resident and Fellow Training
JDMI represents the largest and most specialized training environment within the University of Toronto’s Department of Medical Imaging and hosts the largest numbers of resident and fellow trainees in comparison to other training sites. In addition to continuous teaching within the clinical environment, JDMI faculty support a series of daily case-based rounds and interactive didactic educational lectures. JDMI faculty are also the primary drivers of innovative continuing education content and activity.
Continuing Education
The Advanced Imaging Education Centre (AIEC) is the heart of JDMI’s continuing education mission. The AIEC provides high-fidelity hands-on education in Medical Imaging through its in-person workshops and in its virtual offerings.