Michael Patlas
Professor and Chair, Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto.
Academic emergency and abdominal radiologist with leadership experience at the departmental, national, and international levels.
Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal (CARJ) and five books including Atlas of Emergency Imaging from Head-to-Toe with 144 contributors (80K+ downloads). As EIC of the CARJ since 2019, Dr.Patlas has tripled its Impact Factor and doubled its manuscript submissions. His Editorial Board memberships (past or current) include journals such as AJR, Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging, La Radiologia Medica, Emergency Radiology, CPDR, Current Radiology Reports and Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science.
Author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers, editorials and book chapters. His paper The Clinical Importance of Visceral Adiposity: a Critical Review of Methods for Visceral Adipose Tissue Analysis was cited over 900 times.
Presented 245 invited lectures and scientific and educational abstracts. His multi-cultural background and in-depth knowledge of different healthcare systems allowed him to run numerous conferences at 4 continents and share the podium with giants of his specialty. President of Canadian Emergency, Trauma and Acute Care Radiology Society.
Honored Fellow of the American Society of Emergency Radiology, the Canadian Association of Radiologists, and the Society of Abdominal Radiology. 2022 Gold Medal honoree for the European Society of Emergency Radiology. Honorary Member of the Association of Radiologists of Ukraine. 2024 Medal of Excellence honoree for the Canadian Emergency, Trauma and Acute Care Radiology Society. Honorary Member of the Society of Emergency Radiology, India.